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Computer Science

Effectuez des opérations complexes pour résoudre des problèmes quotidiens.

Business Administration (MBA)

Prepare to lead in business.

Sports Administration

The business of sport.

Business Administration (BBA)

Business training beyond the classroom.

Computer Science

Solve complex operations to everyday applications.

Outdoor Adventure Leadership

Lead, guide, and instruct in remote or rugged environments.

Engineering Science (PhD)

Use creativity and technological tools to design sustainable processes for resource management at Canada's Mining University.

Business Administration - Human Resources Management

Prepare yourself for a changing business world.

Health Promotion

Become a leader in health and wellness.

Computational Sciences (M.Sc.)

Study advanced applications of computer science.

Indigenous Social Work

Promote social change towards liberation of land and people.

Master of Health Administration (MHA)

Develop knowledge and expertise in the field of Health Administration, exclusively in an online format.

Membres du corps professioral

Il n'y a aucun résultat trouvé.


Vale, le Syndicat des métallos et le CRSST lancent une étude sans précédent sur l'exploitation minière et la santé mentale

July 23, 2015 - Today, in partnership with the Center for Research on Health and Safety (ROSHC) from Laurentian University, Vale and the United Steelworkers announced the launch of an unprecedented study about mental health in the mining industry.  The aim of this three-year study, entitled Mining Mental Health , is to gather vital information to develop key strategies to promote the best...

La Laurentienne nomme le directeur général de l’École des mines Goodman

16 janvier, 2013 – Le PDG de Franco-Nevada, M. David Harquail, a annoncé aujourd’hui un don de 500 000 $ pour subventionner le poste de directeur général Franco-Nevada de l’École des mines Goodman de l’Université Laurentienne, et le recteur et vice-chancelier de l’UL, M. Dominic Giroux, a profité de l’occasion pour annoncer la nomination de M. Bruce C. Jago, Ph.D., au poste de...

La Laurentienne nomme la titulaire de la nouvelle chaire de recherche en santé et sécurité au travail

20 novembre 2014 – L’Université Laurentienne a annoncé aujourd’hui la nomination de Mme Tammy Eger, à compter du 1er janvier 2015, à titre de titulaire de la Chaire de recherche en santé et sécurité au travail. Mme Eger est professeure agrégée à l’École des sciences de l’activité physique à l’Université Laurentienne et la directrice actuelle du Centre de recherche en santé et sécurité au...

L'Université Laurentienne félicite Mme Lucie Moncion de sa nomination au Sénat du Canada

Le recteur et vice-chancelier de l’Université Laurentienne, Dominic Giroux, a félicité à son tour Mme Lucie Moncion de sa nomination au Sénat du Canada comme représentante de l’Ontario. « Nous sommes fiers de voir nommer au Sénat Mme Lucie Moncion, une ancienne de a Laurentienne ayant accumulé d’impressionnantes réussites professionnelles, a dit M. Giroux. Grâce à son...

Nomination de Dominic Giroux au poste de PDG d’Horizon Santé-Nord et de l’IRHSN

Aujourd’hui, les conseils d’administration d’Horizon Santé-Nord (HSN) et de l’Institut de recherches d’Horizon Santé-Nord (IRHSN) ont annoncé que le recteur et vice-chancelier de l’Université Laurentienne, Dominic Giroux, sera le prochain président-directeur général d’HSN et de l’IRHSN. Il entrera en fonction le 2 octobre 2017.     Situé au Grand Sudbury, HSN est l’un des...

L’École de génie Bharti à l’Université Laurentienne reçoit un investissement renouvelé d'IAMGOLD

L’École de génie Bharti à l’Université Laurentienne a reçu un investissement de 2 000 000 $ de la société minière canadienne, IAMGOLD Corporation Inc. L’investissement financera la création d’un espace de collaboration pour les étudiants de génie au sein du nouvel Édifice de recherche, d’innovation et de génie Cliff Fielding. Pour...

Le projet de la Laurentienne, visant à lutter contre les émissions de gaz à effet de serre, a reçu une injection de 1,6M$ du CRSNG et des CEO

L’Université Laurentienne recevra du Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et en génie du Canada (CRSNG) et du gouvernement de l’Ontario, par l’entremise de TargetGHG, programme administré par les Centres d’excellence de l’Ontario (CEO), 1 600 000 $ pour poursuivre les travaux de recherche sur les émissions de gaz à effet de serre. Le projet L-CARE (Landscape Carbon...

Nouveaux membres nommés au Conseil des gouverneurs de l’Université Laurentienne

Le 14 décembre 2018 – L’Université Laurentienne est heureuse d’annoncer que trois nouveaux membres ont été nommés pour une période de trois ans à son Conseil des gouverneurs, à savoir MM. Khari Gaynor, Ricus Grimbeek et Nelson Toulouse, à l’assemblée du 26 octobre 2018. Un ancien de la Laurentienne, M. Khari Gaynor, est vice-président du marketing numérique chez Aha Insurance qui a...

Les étudiants brillent pendant la 4e édition annuelle du défi d'or Goodman

SUDBURY, ON (le 24 février 2020) – Des étudiants de partout au Canada sont venus à Sudbury au début du mois pour participer à l’édition annuelle du Défi d’or Goodman, concours d’investissement minier réaliste et inégalé. Des équipes de sept universités canadiennes ont participé au concours et devaient analyser le potentiel d’investissement de trois entreprises et en recommander une aux fins...

Nomination d’un diplômé du programme d’administration des sports de l’UL au poste de directeur général des Blackhawks de Chicago

(9 mars, 2022) - Il n’y a pas si longtemps, Kyle Davidson passait son examen final à l’École d’administration des sports de l’Université Laurentienne, et ce natif de Sudbury est maintenant directeur général des Blackhawks de Chicago. Membre de la promotion de 2010 du programme d’administration des sports (SPAD), M. Davidson, 33 ans, a commencé sa carrière chez les Blackhawks en...

Le Conseil des gouverneurs de l’Université Laurentienne nomme Mme Tammy Manitowabi

(15 décembre 2022) - Le Conseil des gouverneurs de l’Université Laurentienne a ajouté à son effectif une autre leader communautaire chevronnée en nommant Mme Tammy Manitowabi à un mandat de trois ans qui commence ce mois-ci.   « Nous sommes chanceux qu’une autre dirigeante de la communauté se retrousse les manches pour prêter un soutien à l’Université Laurentienne sur la voie...

Nomination de M. James Gallagher au Conseil des gouverneurs

(24 avril 2023) – Le Conseil des gouverneurs de l’Université Laurentienne a accueilli un autre dirigeant chevronné en nommant M. James Gallagher pour un mandat de trois ans qui commence dès ce mois-ci. « Un leader en affaires de longue date dans l’industrie minière, James est très respecté et saisit le potentiel de la Laurentienne à prêter un soutien aux partenaires industriels, a dit...

Le Conseil des gouverneurs de l’Université Laurentienne annonce trois nouvelles nominations

(15 août 2023) - Le Conseil des gouverneurs de l’Université Laurentienne est heureux d’accueillir trois nouveaux membres, à savoir MM. Brian Ramakko, Jean-Pierre (Jay) Barbeau et Kevin Eshkawkogan. Les nominations de ces membres ont été confirmées lors de la réunion du Conseil des gouverneurs du 13 juillet 2023 pour des mandats de trois ans. « Nous sommes ravis que trois nouveaux membres de...

L’Université Laurentienne annonce la nomination d’une nouvelle vice-rectrice aux finances et à l’administration

17 octobre 2023 – L’Université Laurentienne est heureuse d’annoncer la nomination de Mme Sylvie Lafontaine à titre de nouvelle vice-rectrice aux finances et à l’administration. Mme Lafontaine assurera un leadership stratégique, financier et opérationnel à ce moment particulièrement important de la transformation à l’Université. Mme Lafontaine est une cadre bilingue possédant plus de 25 ans...

L’Université Laurentienne va de l’avant avec son plan de transformation

2 novembre 2023 - L’Université Laurentienne est heureuse de mettre en œuvre son programme de transformation opérationnelle que le Conseil des gouverneurs a approuvé récemment et qui attend l’approbation du ministère des Collèges et Université. « Nous pensons que ce plan de transformation et le prochain plan stratégique poseront les bases d’un avenir durable où l’Université Laurentienne...

Le professeur Dean Millar est nommé éminent conférencier de l'ICM

June 5, 2015  - Mr. Dean Millar , professor at the Bharti School of Engineering and Director of the Group energy, renewable energy and carbon management in MIRARCO, received the distinguished title of lecturer awarded by the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum ( ICM).   Mr. Millar is one of five winners of this award honored at CIM's national gala held at the...

L’École des mines Goodman de la Laurentienne lance un programme menant à un certificat en gestion de projets

L’École des mines Goodman à l’Université Laurentienne a lancé officiellement un nouveau programme menant à un certificat en gestion de projets. Dans ce programme, les étudiants acquerront une formation en matière de ressources, techniques et pratiques requises pour veiller, avec succès, à tous les aspects de la gestion de projets industriels dans divers domaines dans le nord de l’Ontario. «...

Vale, the United Steelworkers and CROSH kick-off groundbreaking new study on mining and mental health

July 23, 2015 – Today Vale and the United Steelworkers, in partnership with the Centre for Research in Occupational Safety and Health (CROSH) at Laurentian University, announced a groundbreaking new research project on the topic of mental health in the mining industry.  The aim of the 3-year study, called ‘Mining Mental Health’, is to gain vital information in order to...

Independent Operations and Governance Review Sets Roadmap for Transformation of Laurentian University

(March 2, 2022) - Laurentian University takes an important step in its restructuring with the release of two reports following an independent review which includes recommendations that will transform the operations and governance of the University.   Conducted by Nous Group, under the direction of Laurentian’s Chief Redevelopment Officer and the court-appointed Monitor, the reports...

Laurentian University Board of Governors announce three new appointments

(August 15, 2023) - The Laurentian University Board of Governors is pleased to welcome three new members, Brian Ramakko, Jean-Pierre (Jay) Barbeau, and Kevin Eshkawkogan. The appointments of these members were confirmed at the Board of Governors meeting on July 13, 2023 for 3-year terms. “We are pleased to have three new community members extend their exceptional experience and knowledge to...

Craig Fowler named Associate Vice-President in Barrie

June 20, 2012 - Laurentian University President and Vice-Chancellor Dominic Giroux today announced the appointment of Craig Fowler as the first Associate Vice-President, Administration and External Relations for Laurentian in Barrie.    Fowler will champion high quality services and supports for students, faculty and staff at Laurentian in Barrie.  He will be responsible for the...

Vale Invests in Laurentian University’s Centre for Research in Occupational Safety and Health

December 7, 2012 - Vale representatives presented Dr. Tammy Eger, associate professor at the School of Human Kinetics and current CROSH director, with a cheque for $125,000 at the 3rd Annual Centre for Research in Occupational Safety and Health (CROSH) Community Symposium. The funds will be used to aid in the establishment of a permanent Research Chair in Occupational Health and Safety, a key...

Laurentian University signs Paris Pledge for Action

DEC 22, 2015 – Laurentian University has joined the growing number of signatories to the Paris Pledge for Action, released December 16, 2015. The pledge is a commitment to work to reduce greenhouse gas emissions immediately, to meet or surpass the goals of the Paris Agreement adopted at the recent COP21 conference. Laurentian University is among the first Canadian universities to...

Laurentian Board of Governors welcomes four new members

February 02, 2016 – Laurentian University is pleased to announce four new members have been appointed to the Board of Governors. Stuart Harshaw, Brian Lyle Montgomery, Yves Pelletier and Tina Sartoretto have each been appointed to a three-year term.    Mr. Stuart Harshaw is the new Vice President of Vale's Ontario Operations at Vale Canada Limited. He was previously...

Province of Ontario Confirms Clear Commitment to the Future of Laurentian University

(Sudbury, Ontario – December 16, 2021) Laurentian University today announced a new package of support from the Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU) that will see the university emerge from its restructuring as a stronger, financially viable and vibrant institution serving students, employers and communities in Northern Ontario. Laurentian is very pleased with this...

Laurentian University successfully exits CCAA process

November 28, 2022 - Laurentian University has successfully completed its restructuring process under the CCAA and has now emerged from the court proceedings which began on February 1, 2021. This milestone allows Laurentian to continue to work with its key stakeholders to rebuild from a solid financial foundation.  “While there is much healing and hard work yet to be done, today we...

Laurentian University secures international accreditation for its business programs

JUNE 22, 2016 – Laurentian University secured international EPAS accreditation for its on-campus Bachelor of Business Administration program, as well as for its Bachelor of Commerce in Sports Administration, Canada’s only business degree in Sports Administration. As of May 2016, 98 business programs in 72 universities in 33 countries had the EPAS accreditation, mostly in...

Laurentian project to address greenhouse gas emissions gets $1.6M boost from NSERC and OCE

Laurentian University will receive $1.6M from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and the government of Ontario through the TargetGHG program administered by Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE) in support of research aimed at tackling the problem of greenhouse gas emissions. The Landscape Carbon Accumulation through...

Laurentian University Board of Governors Appoints Tammy Manitowabi

(December 15, 2022) - Laurentian University’s Board of Governors has added another experienced community leader to its ranks as Tammy Manitowabi has been appointed to serve for a three year term, beginning this month.  “We are fortunate to have another community leader step up to help Laurentian University on its path forward. Tammy’s experiences in community building and public...

Laurentian University Adds James Gallagher to Board of Governors

(April 24, 2023) - Laurentian University’s Board of Governors has added another experienced executive as James Gallagher has been appointed to serve for a three year term, beginning this month. “As a long-time business leader in the mining industry, James is very well respected and understands the potential for Laurentian to support industry partners. His experiences will help the Board...

LU Approves Ambitious Multi-Year Budget

June 25, 2012 - Laurentian University’s Board of Governors unanimously approved a balanced budget of $132.1 million for 2012-2013, as well as a multi-year budget until 2017-18 aligned with the outcomes identified in the University’s five-year Strategic Plan. The budget was presented to the Board of Governors after a broad consultation process, seeing over 300 students, faculty and...

Dr. Osman Abou-Rabia appointed as Dean

April 25, 2014 - Laurentian University’s Board of Governors today approved the appointment of Dr. Osman Abou-Rabia to the position of Dean, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Architecture, for a term of five years, beginning July 1, 2014.    Dr. Abou-Rabia has a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering (University of Ottawa) and completed his MSc and BSc at Cairo University. He joined...

$39M now secured for Laurentian University campus in Barrie

June 23rd, 2014 – Laurentian University’s Board of Governors has approved a commitment of $25 million toward the proposed stand-alone university campus in the City of Barrie. This pledge represents a significant increase to Laurentian University’s 2011 commitment for the Barrie campus, and the amount would be enhanced by the $14M already committed by the City of Barrie for a standalone...

Laurentian appoints new Research Chair in Occupational Health and Safety

November 20, 2014 – Laurentian University today announced the appointment of Dr. Tammy Eger as Research Chair in Occupation Health and Safety effective January 1, 2015.  Dr. Eger is an Associate Professor at Laurentian University in the School of Human Kinetics and is currently Director of the Centre for Research in Occupational Safety and Health (CROSH).    As Research...

Inaugural Goodman Gold Challenge tremendous success

The inaugural Goodman Gold Challenge held on February 22 to February 25 was a tremendous success.  Six teams of undergraduate students participated in the competition: two teams representing Laurentian University’s Bharti School of Engineering and Faculty of Management, Bishop’s University from Sherbrooke, Québec, the University of Ontario Institute of Technology from Oshawa, Ryerson...

Students Shine During The Fourth Annual Goodman Gold Challenge

SUDBURY, Ont. (February 24, 2020) - Mining students from far and wide descended on Sudbury earlier this month for the annual Goodman Gold Challenge (GGC). A unique and realistic mining investment case competition, the participants came from seven different universities across Canada. The teams were tasked with evaluating business cases made by three companies, and justifying which would make...

Update: New collective agreement reached between Laurentian University and staff union

September 1, 2017   The Laurentian University Staff Union (LUSU) and Laurentian University have reached a new collective agreement. Union members voted 93% in favour of the 3-year contract extension negotiated a full 10-months before the LUSU’s current agreement was due to expire. “This agreement is good news for our employees and the entire Laurentian community. I want to...

Special Advisor of Francophone Affairs, Roch Gallien

(November 26, 2021) We are pleased to welcome Roch Gallien to the position of Special Advisor of Francophone Affairs. He will report directly to the provost and vice-president, Academic to support operations of the Office of Francophone Affairs. Mr. Gallien has dedicated the last five years to overseeing training for Francophone and Anglophone teachers in all of Ontario’s faculties of...

Five members appointed to Laurentian University Board of Governors by the Province of Ontario

(December 21, 2021) As part of Laurentian University's commitment to an accelerated process of Board renewal and  in connection with the financial support package provided by the Province of Ontario, it is pleased to welcome five incoming members to its Board of Governors. These volunteer members are appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council (LGIC) and will hold office for a one-year...

Grateful that Laurentian has a chance at renewal

I cannot recall ever going through the full range of emotions the way I did waiting for the results of this vote, the judgment of creditors on Laurentian’s plan to recover, rebuild and chart a better future. Usually, the outcome of a vote clearly indicates if you are on the winning or losing side. Not this time around. So much was lost by so many in the lead up to this pivotal moment. We...

Laurentian University Announces New Vice-President Finance and Administration, Sylvie Lafontaine

October 17, 2023 – Laurentian University is pleased to announce the appointment of Sylvie Lafontaine as its new Vice-President Finance and Administration. In this role, Lafontaine will provide strategic financial and operational leadership to the University at this especially important time in the University’s transformation. Lafontaine is a bilingual executive with over 25 years of...

Laurentian University moving forward with Transformation Plan

November 2, 2023 – Laurentian University is pleased to be moving forward with its operational transformation program following its recent approval by the Laurentian University Board of Governors. The Plan now awaits approval by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities. “We believe this Transformation Plan, along with the upcoming Strategic Plan, will lay the foundation for a sustainable...

CNFS distributes $20,000 in awards to Laurentian University students

January 23, 2014 - Every year, the Consortium national de formation en santé (CNFS) at Laurentian University awards $20,000 to $30,000 in scholarships to students enrolled in French-language health and wellness programs at Laurentian University. For 2013-2014, eligible students are enrolled in Nursing, Midwifery, Speech Pathology, Social Work, Public Health and Kinesiology. In addition to...

Laurentian names first Manager of Energy and Sustainability

September 11 , 2014 – Benchmarking of energy consumption, composting in residences and a zero-waste cafeteria: these are just a few of the initiatives in progress as Laurentian University advances its ‘green agenda’ under Kati McCartney, Manager, Energy and Sustainability.  “This position is new to Laurentian, but the University is already recognized as an...

Laurentian University to host 6th Mining and the Environment 2015 International Conference

JUNE 11, 2015 – Laurentian University’s Goodman School of Mines, in cooperation with the Laurentian University School of the Environment, will host the 6th Mining and the Environment 2015 International Conference from June 20-25, in Sudbury, Ontario.   The Conference will bring together experts in the environmental sciences and environmental health sciences, industry...

Laurentian University celebrates Nobel Prize in Physics

October 9, 2015 – Colleagues and associates of Dr. Arthur McDonald at Laurentian University and at the SNOLAB research facility are applauding the news that Dr. McDonald is a co-winner of the  2015 Nobel Prize in Physics.  Dr. McDonald, emeritus professor at Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario was jointly named this year’s Nobel Laureate with Dr. Takaaki Kajita of the...

Laurentian University Hires Next Vice-President, Academic and Provost

December 18, 2015 – The Laurentian University Board of Governors today approved the appointment of Dr. Pierre Zundel as its next Vice-President, Academic and Provost, effective July 1, 2016.  After 16 years of experience as Professor and Department Head at the Université de Moncton and at the University of New Brunswick (UNB), Dr. Zundel has accumulated 12 years of...

Laurentian University Board of Governors welcomes new Chair

APRIL 15, 2016 – The Laurentian University Board of Governors today voted unanimously to appoint Jennifer Witty as incoming Chair for a one-year term, effective June 2016, when the term of current Chair Michael Atkins is complete. Ms. Witty has been a board member since 2005 and currently serves as Vice-Chair.   “We are fortunate to have a board member with the...

Laurentian University Congratulates Lucie Moncion on Appointment as Senator

Laurentian University’s President and Vice-Chancellor, Dominic Giroux added his congratulations today to Lucie Moncion on her appointment as independent senator representing Ontario. “We are proud to see Laurentian alumna Lucie Moncion appointed to Senate for her impressive career achievements,” said Dominic Giroux.  “Her extensive background and expertise make her a wonderful selection...

Laurentian University students win top spots at prestigious mining competition

Laurentian University today congratulated two teams of students from the Bharti School of Engineering for winning top honours at a major mining competition in Toronto. The teams were awarded first and second place at the Ontario Mining Association’s Mined Open Innovation Challenge. During the competition, teams of students were asked to draw up plans to expand operations at a mining site...

Laurentian University Board of Governors announces new appointments

December 14, 2018 –  Laurentian University is pleased to announce three new members have been appointed to the Board of Governors. Mr. Khari Gaynor, Mr. Ricus Grimbeek, and Mr. Nelson Toulouse have each been appointed to a three-year term following the Board’s October 26th meeting. Laurentian alumnus, Mr. Khari Gaynor is Vice-President of Digital Marketing at Aha Insurance. He has over...

Laurentian to present honorary doctorates to four outstanding Canadians

May 31, 2019 – As part of its 2019 Spring Convocation ceremonies, Laurentian University will recognize and celebrate the remarkable careers and achievements of four outstanding Canadians: internationally-acclaimed artist Bernard Poulin, renowned francophone publisher Denise Truax, and mining leaders Ned Goodman and Terry MacGibbon. “We’re very pleased to be welcoming these outstanding...

Sports Administration Graduate named Chicago Blackhawks GM

(March 9, 2022) - It wasn’t too long ago that Kyle Davidson completed his final exam at Laurentian University in the School of Sports Administration, and now the Sudbury native has been named General Manager of the Chicago Blackhawks.  A graduate of the 2010 class of the Sports Administration (SPAD) program, Davidson, 33, began his career with the Blackhawks as a Hockey Operations...

After more than fifty-five years, Laurentian’s Doran Planetarium continues to educate and entertain astronomy enthusiasts.

(February 8, 2023) - Star gazing allows us to observe the many wonders of the night sky. It is an enjoyable pastime filled with many educational opportunities; star gazers often speak about how rewarding an experience it is to identify constellations such as the Big Dipper (Ursa Major) or Cassiopeia. And for those interested in astronomy, planetariums, which are essentially theatres designed to...

Sacred Fire to Honour Students, Staff, Faculty

(April 6, 2023) - As the end of the semester approaches, students at Laurentian University will begin their final exams very soon. Since the start of this academic year, the Laurentian community has faced much adversity through the CCAA process. However, we continue to move forward by supporting each other.  To honour the students, faculty and staff for their hard work in the 2022-2023...

Terms for the sale of Laurentian University’s real estate assets are established

(June 8, 2023) - Laurentian University has established an agreement on a Term Sheet for the sale of real estate worth up to $53.5M. The Term Sheet will help Laurentian University implement its Plan of Arrangement as part of the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA) process. This Term Sheet outlines a proposed structure for the transaction which allows the province of Ontario to...

Dr. Lynn Wells appointed 12th President and Vice-Chancellor of Laurentian University

December 5, 2023 - The Laurentian University Board of Governors is pleased to announce that Dr. Lynn Wells has been appointed as the next President and Vice-Chancellor of Laurentian University. In this role, Dr. Wells will provide strategic vision and leadership for all academic, administrative, financial, and service operations, in keeping with the university’s bilingual mandate and...

Timmins students take part in MineOpportunity Challenge

Timmins, ON, December 18, 2023 – Over 140 students from English and French High Schools across Northern Ontario participated in a unique challenge that saw them explore careers in the Mining and Automotive industries in fun and exciting ways. The December 7, 2023 challenge, called MineOpportunity was hosted at Northern College in Timmins. The game, which has been played in Sudbury by local...

Laurentian’s Goodman School of Mines launches certificate program in project management

Laurentian University’s Goodman School of Mines has officially launched its new Project Management Certificate program. The certificate program will offer training in resources, techniques, and practices needed to successfully oversee all aspects of managing industrial projects in a wide variety of fields across Northern Ontario. “This new certificate program is just the latest example of...

Laurentian Appoints New Dean of Faculty of Management

April 19, 2013 - The Laurentian University Board of Governors today approved the appointment of Dr. Stephen J. Havlovic as the new Dean of the Faculty of Management. The appointment will be effective July 1st, 2013. Dr. Havlovic is currently Provost and Vice-President for Academic Affairs at Alfred State College of the State University of New York (SUNY). In this role, he has...

Faculty achievements recognized and celebrated at campus event

July 5, 2023 - On June 15, 2023, Laurentian University faculty members were invited by Dr. Brenda Brouwer, Interim Provost and Vice-President Academic and Dr. Tammy Eger, Vice President Research, to an event that recognized and celebrated their many achievements or those of their colleagues.  “Faculty at Laurentian University are instrumental in fostering an inclusive and positive...

Laurentian University to offer 10 new French-language or bilingual programs in engineering and management as of 2016

November 13, 2015 – Starting in September 2016, Laurentian University will expand its French-language programming. The Bharti School of Engineering will launch three bilingual bachelor’s degree programs – in Chemical, Mechanical and Mining Engineering – with at least 50% of courses to be offered in French. In addition, the Faculty of Management will initiate a Bachelor of Business...

Professor Dean Millar named CIM Distinguished Lecturer

JUNE 5, 2015 – Professor in Laurentian University’s Bharti School of Engineering and Director of the Energy, Renewables and Carbon Management group at MIRARCO, Dr. Dean Millar has been honoured as a Distinguished Lecturer by the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM).   Dr. Millar is one of five Distinguished Lecturers celebrated at the CIM’s national Awards...

Dr. Michel Delorme appointed dean of the Faculty of Management

Wednesday, March 6, 2019 – Laurentian University is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Michel Delorme as dean of the Faculty of Management for a period of five years, effective July 1, 2019. Dr. Delorme has held several leadership positions in American and European universities, such as director of Simmons University School of Business (Boston, USA), vice-president of academic...

University invests in research, technology & graduate expansion

JUNE 19, 2015 – Laurentian University’s Board of Governors today approved a 2015-2016 operating budget of $147.7 million, marking the fifth consecutive year the University has achieved a balanced budget. The budget represents a $7 million increase over last year to fund key areas of priority for the University in capital projects, research, student services, graduate studies and...

Laurentian University Appoints Roxanne Bouchard to Board of Governors; Jean-Pierre (Jay) Barbeau Elected Vice-Chair

(Sudbury, ON, January 9th, 2024) - Laurentian University is pleased to announce the appointment of Roxanne Bouchard CIM, CFP, CPA, to its Board of Governors and the election of Jean-Pierre (Jay) Barbeau as Vice-Chair. These decisions were unanimously approved by the Board, and both Bouchard and Barbeau will bring a wealth of experience and expertise to their roles. "We are pleased to welcome...

Province commits multi-year funding to Professions North/Nord

Sudbury, ON (January 8, 2013) –  A three-year funding commitment by Ontario’s Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration will support the continuing work of Professions North/Nord (PNN) to facilitate the appropriate employment of internationally trained professionals in Northern Ontario. The $2.7M investment was awarded to Laurentian University after a competitive bidding process and is...

Laurentian University awarded patent for RNA Disruption Assay

October 10, 2014 – Laurentian University has been awarded a patent for the RNA Disruption Assay (RDATM), a technology that aids in the treatment of breast cancer.  The test was developed by Laurentian University professor Dr. Amadeo Parissenti and by his research associate Dr. Baoqing Guo of Health Sciences North.  The patent was issued in September by the Australian Patent Office....

More than $500,000 in federal funding granted to support mine waste management and forensics research projects

Laurentian University will receive $508,765 in federal infrastructure funding for a pair of projects expected to produce ground-breaking results in the fields of mine waste-management and forensics. The funding, from the Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI) John R. Evans Leaders Fund, was announced by Federal Minister for Science Kirsty Duncan during a visit to the Laurentian University...

Lifetime Achievement Award to Dr. Amaratunga

February 27, 2012 - Laurentian University President and Vice-Chancellor Dominic Giroux today expressed congratulations to longtime professor Dr. Laxman (“Lucky”) Amaratunga, distinguished recipient of the 2012 Canadian Mineral Processors Society Lifetime Achievement Award.   The award was presented at the Awards Gala of the 44th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mineral...

Laurentian creates new faculties in health, education and graduate studies

March 19, 2014 - The Laurentian University Senate approved a new Faculty structure, re-organizing and aligning many of the University’s schools and departments.   The existing Faculty of Professional Schools will be replaced by a Faculty of Health and a Faculty of Education. The existing Faculty of Science and Engineering will be renamed the Faculty of Science, Engineering and...


October 10, 2012 Laurentian Commerce Professor wins ‘Best Research Paper’ at International Conference in Peru Professor of Business Administration Mohammad S. Pakkar was awarded a “Best Paper” citation at the International Conference on Business Performance Measurement and Management (ICBPMM) last month in Peru.  His paper was one of only two research...

Laurentian University Leaving Barrie After 15 Years

February 12, 2016 – After delivering programs at Georgian College in Barrie since 2001 and in Orillia from 2004 to 2013, the Board of Governors of Laurentian University decided today, after careful consideration of all options available in exercising its fiduciary responsibilities, to no longer resource Arts and Management programs in Barrie as of May 2017, and to no longer...

Go for gold with the Goodman Gold Challenge

MARCH 7, 2016 - The Goodman School of Mines and Laurentian University are proud to announce the inaugural Goodman Gold Challenge (GGC), an investment management competition for undergraduate students. The competition will be held at Laurentian University, Sudbury, Ontario from February 22 to February 25, 2017. The Goodman Gold Challenge (GGC) is unlike any other competition in Canada;...

Laurentian University Balances Budget for Sixth Consecutive Year

The Laurentian University Board of Governors today approved the University’s 2016-2017 operating budget of $150.5 million, an increase of $2.7 million or 1.8% over last year. New investments will support international accreditation in the Faculty of Management, the expansion of the School of Architecture, graduate programs, bilingual engineering programs, enhancements to Research...

Laurentian honours four distinguished Canadians for improving lives and communities

Laurentian University will award honorary doctorates to four distinguished Canadians during its 2017 Spring Convocation ceremonies in Sudbury. This year’s recipients have dedicated themselves to helping people and improving their communities through the fields of healthcare, education, architecture, and law. “The honorary doctorate recipients this spring have contributed to the betterment of...

Laurentian University Board of Governors welcomes new member

December 15, 2017 - Laurentian University Interim President and Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Pierre Zundel and Laurentian’s Board of Governors are pleased to welcome Suzanne Corbeil as the newest member of the Board. Ms. Corbeil’s nomination was approved by the Board of Governors on Friday, December 15, 2017. “On behalf of the entire community, I want to express how happy I...

Laurentian names new Vice-President, Administration

December 21, 2017 - Laurentian University is pleased to announce the nomination of Lorella Hayes, CPA, CA, to the position of Vice-President, Administration.  Mrs. Hayes will commence her role on January 15, 2018 leading a significant portfolio that includes 133 full-time employees and responsibility for a $182 million budget.   After an extensive search, Ms. Hayes has...

Laurentian to honour two distinguished Canadians at 2018 Spring Convocation

Laurentian University will award honorary doctorates to two outstanding individuals during its 2018 Spring Convocation ceremonies in Sudbury. “Each year, we pay tribute to exceptional Canadians who have led the way in their respective fields,” said Laurentian University Chancellor Steve Paikin.  “Our honorary doctorate recipients are highly talented and engaged individuals who serve as...

Laurentian University students to represent Canada on the international stage

November 22, 2018 – The Faculty of Management of Laurentian University is proud to announce that six of its students will be representing Canada at the 22nd International Workshop in Russia from April 6 to 19, 2019.  Organized by South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences of Germany and hosted by M.I. Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI) of Russia, the...

Dr. Robert Haché appointed 11th president and vice-chancellor of Laurentian University

Friday, February 15, 2019 – The Laurentian University Board of Governors is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Robert Haché as the University’s 11th president and vice-chancellor. He will assume the position on July 1, 2019, for a five-year renewable term, succeeding Dr. Pierre Zundel who has been serving in this capacity on an interim basis since August 2017.  Current...

“There is no such thing as bad weather”

March 28, 2024 - If you’ve ever wondered just who might have the courage to be running on a snow covered sidewalk down Paris Street during Sudbury’s winter weather, it might just be Angela Mozzon or Cameron Date. The two have been members of the Cross Country team since their first year as Laurentian students in 2019. Five years in, you can find them on the track for...

Laurentian Budget Delivers on Strategic Plan

June 21, 2013 - Laurentian University’s Board of Governors today approved a six year balanced budget to 2018-19, including a 2013-2014 operating budget of $136.9M, which will fund several of the University’s key strategic plan outcomes over the next year.  The budget approval followed a series of seventeen consultation sessions with more than 150 people from across the...

Laurentian Appoints New Executive Director for Human Resources and Organizational Development

June 5, 2013 - Laurentian University is pleased to announce the appointment of Terez Klotz as the University’s new Executive Director, Human Resources and Organizational Development. Ms. Klotz was named to the position after a nationwide executive search, and will commence her role in August. Klotz brings 30 years of experience in human resources and organizational development in...

Laurentian Names Executive Director, Goodman School of Mines

January 16, 2013 - Franco-Nevada President and CEO David Harquail today announced a donation of $500,000 to fund the Franco-Nevada Executive Director’s position of Laurentian University’s Goodman School of Mines.  At the same time, University President and Vice-Chancellor Dominic Giroux announced the appointment of Dr. Bruce C. Jago as the School’s Founding Executive Director. Dr. Jago...

Laurentian and Zhejiang University offer innovative dual degree

Hangzhou China (October 22, 2012) -  Laurentian University has announced a unique partnership with Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics (ZUFE) in Hangzhou, China to jointly deliver a Bachelor Degree program in Accounting. The agreement was signed at a formal ceremony today in Hangzhou by ZUFE President Wang Junhao and by Laurentian University President and Vice-Chancellor...

Goodman Family Invests in Laurentian University’s School of Mines

October 15, 2012 - Ned Goodman, CEO of Dundee Corporation, and The Goodman Family Foundation - JODAMADA, announced today a historic gift to Laurentian University’s new School of Mines. In recognition of the Goodman family’s generosity, Laurentian University President Dominic Giroux announced that the university will name the school in the Goodman family’s honour. Ned Goodman’s business...

LU Welcomes students from Gujarat, India

June 14, 2012 - The students are arriving in several groups this week and will begin their six-week programs in computer science and in bio-chemistry on Monday, June 18th.     Their visit marks Laurentian’s first International Global Experience Program in collaboration with Gujarat Technological University, a post-secondary institution specializing in degree and...

Dual Degree with Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics

October 26, 2013 - Under the agreement signed in 2012, up to 100 students will begin their first two years of study at ZUFE. They will then enroll in the LU English for Academic Preparation course (EAP) in the summer of 2014 in Hangzhou before coming to Sudbury from January to December 2015 in order to complete 42 academic credits. They will form their own cohort while at Laurentian. After...

MIRARCO’s Vic Pakalnis wins the 2014 Minerva Education Award of Honour.

March 18, 2014 - The award recognizes individuals for their long-standing contributions to advancing health and safety education in Canadian post secondary teaching institutions. Vic Pakalnis, P.Eng. and President, CEO of MIRARCO Mining Innovation at Laurentian has demonstrated an enduring commitment to promoting Health and Safety. He has been an important contributor for Minerva’s...

Jonathan Goodman named Executive in Residence at Laurentian University’s School of Commerce

May 12, 2014 – Laurentian University’s School of Commerce has appointed Jonathan Goodman as its new Executive in Residence. As Executive in Residence, Mr. Goodman will participate in faculty meetings, in particular those related to curriculum development and planning. He will also create opportunities to interact and be available to students at Laurentian’s Sudbury, Barrie and Global...

Laurentian University Recognizes four eminent Canadians in 2014

June 2nd, 2014 – Canada’s 27th Governor-General, Michaëlle Jean, and renowned singer-songwriter and activist Bruce Cockburn are among the recipients of Honourary Doctorates at Spring Convocation ceremonies at Laurentian University this year.  Laurentian University Chancellor Steve Paikin presented the Honoris Causa (Laws) to Mme Jean at the Convocation ceremony in Barrie, May...

Laurentian balances budget for fourth consecutive year

JUNE 20, 2014 – Laurentian University’s Board of Governors today approved a 2014-2015 operating budget of $141.2M, marking the fourth consecutive year the University has achieved a balanced budget. The Board’s unanimous approval followed a series of sixteen consultation sessions with more than 160 people from across the Laurentian community in Sudbury and Barrie.  “As we enter the...

Sudbury research highlights link between forest and fish stocks

July 7, 2014 – Environmental research conducted at the Vale Living With Lakes Centre of Laurentian University is the focus of an article published in the international research journal Nature Communications.  Lead author Dr. Andrew Tanentzap of University of Cambridge, U.K., carried out studies on acquatic food chains in Daisy Lake, in Sudbury, Ontario.  The findings of the...

Laurentian University names new Director of Development

September 30th, 2014 – Laurentian University is pleased to announce the appointment of Kristy Rousseau as the new Director of Development.  As Director, Rousseau will oversee and direct all development programs and fundraising activities. She will provide strategic vision, overall direction and guidance to the development team on all fundraising programs. “We are thrilled to have...

Successful Completion of the PENAMICE Project

Laurentian University President and Vice-Chancellor Dominic Giroux (centre) congratulates faculty members Professor Jean-Charles Cachon, Professor Patricia Orozco, Professor Rana Haq, and Dean of the Faculty of Management, Dr. Stephen Havlovic, on the successful completion of the PENAMICE project and the publication of their book about the experience.  PENAMICE stands for “Profiles in...

Laurentian graduate wins “Canada’s New Noah” Scholarship

Laurentian University MSc Biology graduate Patrick Moldowan has been selected from a field of scores of candidates for a prestigious scholarship that will send him to the island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean to work for the recovery of endangered species.   The “Canada’s New Noah” Scholarship is funded by Wildlife Preservation Canada.   It gives young...

An innovative strengthened collaboration among Laurentian University, Collège Boréal and La Cité

Sudbury (ON), January 26, 2016 – Laurentian University, Collège Boréal and La Cité signed an articulation agreement today to accelerate the process of obtaining a Bachelor of Business Administration for graduates of Ontario’s two francophone colleges.   As of September 2016, graduates of the two-year Business Administration programs at Collège...

Laurentian appoints Craig Fowler as Associate Vice-President, Research Partnerships, Innovation and Economic Development

MARCH 3, 2016 – Laurentian University is proud to announce that Craig Fowler will assume the role of Associate Vice-President, Research Partnerships, Innovation and Economic Development at Laurentian University. Mr. Fowler will be responsible for developing new large-scale research collaborations to advance the University’s objectives and foster innovation and economic...

CROSH moves forward in safety and health with $1.2M in new funding

APRIL 29,  2016 – The Centre for Research in Occupational Safety and Health (CROSH) at Laurentian University today celebrates the launch of two ground-breaking new initiatives, thanks to research awards that total more than $1.2M in new funding.   CROSH has been awarded $550,000 toward purchasing and equipping a Mobile Laboratory, a 32-ft custom-built trailer that will...


Melanie Morin

Pouvez-vous gagner sur tous les tableaux? Melanie Morin, diplômée de la Laurentienne répond par l’affirmative quand il s’agit de sa carrière. Elle est fière du chemin parcouru jusqu’ici dans sa carrière, qui découle d’une relation clé et qui s’est développée sous le signe d’une idée audacieuse : franchir de nouveaux sommets. En 2001, Melanie a obtenu un baccalauréat ès arts en...

Mario Grossi et Technica Mining

La ville de Sudbury est un centre minier mondial depuis plusieurs années. Technica Mining, une entreprise dirigée par Mario Grossi, le Président et Directeur Général, fournit des services incluant la conception technique, la construction, la maintenance, et la production, le tout dans une capacité souterraine. Après qu’il a complété son baccalauréat en commerce à l’université Laurentienne,...

Un étudiant de sciences infirmières aide à lutter contre la COVID-19 sur les premières lignes

Quand Tyler Pretty n’est pas sur les premières lignes à effectuer le dépistage auprès du personnel de Glencore, il s’affaire souvent à faire du bénévolat au sein de l’Organisme d’aide et d’intervention à la COVID-19 dans le Grand Sudbury (Greater Sudbury Community COVID-19 Response & Relief), où il livre des provisions aux gens qui ne peuvent pas quitter leur domicile afin de se...

Luciano Galasso | B. Com

Luciano Galasso, CA CPA, ICD.D, est un ancien de l'Université Laurentienne (B. Com 1979) et un individu inspiré par le nord. Luciano se souvient avec tendresse de l'Université Laurentienne pour son campus magnifique au nord de l'Ontario, ses classes peu-nombreuses, son travail de groupe et le dévouement de la faculté. Il est reconnaissant de ces expériences éducatives uniques qui l’ont...

David Munch

L’état des soins aux personnes âgées dans nos collectivités a beaucoup changé en raison des restrictions et des menaces que fait planer la COVID-19. Pour beaucoup, notamment les aînés réputés à haut risque, une telle menace sans précédent pour la santé est certainement un facteur de stress important. David Munch (B.Com. 1995) et son équipe à Finlandia Village, à Sudbury, ont manifestement dû...

Isabelle Baril

Isabelle Baril est née à Rouyn-Noranda, au Québec, et a grandi à Sudbury où sa famille s’est installée alors qu’elle avait quatre ans. Après des études secondaires faites en français, elle s’est inscrite à l’Université Laurentienne où elle a poursuivi des études de la langue française et obtenu un baccalauréat en géographie avec une mineure en lettres françaises. Elle attribue sa passion pour...

Eugene Ben-Awuah, Ph.D.

Eugene Ben-Awuah, Ph.D., est professeur agrégé d'ingénierie minière à la l’École de génie et d’informatique Bharti et chercheur IAMGOLD dans le domaine de l'exploitation minière à ciel ouvert. En tant que chercheur IAMGOLD, M. Ben-Awuah travaille sur les projets suivants : 1) Optimisation stratégique des options minières : Un cadre théorique pour la planification du développement des...

Institut de marketing du sport

[tabs border="no"] [tab title="IMS"] Programmes de recherche Dans le passé, l’IMS a accompli toute une série de projets de partenariat avec Gatorade, effectué une étude intitulée « Sponsorship Landscape Study » pour le CSF et contribué à l’Encyclopedia of Sports Marketing and Management, à une étude de l’expérience étudiante dans les établissements postsecondaires, à une étude...

David Paquette

Même si la technologie évolue constamment, la dynamique des personnes dans un milieu de travail et leur importance à faire progresser l’organisme sont des choses qui ne changent pas. Ancien de l’Université Laurentienne qui est actuellement expert-conseil en gestion, coach pour les cadres et formateur en leadership, M. David Paquette a dévoué 26 ans de sa carrière à aider les...

Program Requirements



Department Overview Facility Services is a service-oriented department responsible for developing, operating and maintaining the University facilities and grounds. Other services provided are: waste and recycling, custodial services, renovations , moves and planning services. We are also responsible for design, construction, technical services, and renewal of campus...

Commerce Co-op and Internships

[tabs border="no"] [tab title="Co-op"]   CO-OP OPTION Laurentian University’s School of Commerce offers Cooperative education option as part of the French-language Honours Bachelor of Commerce program.  Cooperative education is a partnership between the student, the employer and the University, contributing to a well-rounded Commerce and Business education. The practical...

Nursing student strives to help fight COVID-19 on the frontlines

When Tyler Pretty isn’t on the front lines screening Glencore employees, you will likely find him volunteering with Greater Sudbury Community COVID-19 Response & Relief, where he is  delivering groceries to people unable to leave their homes to buy essential items.  “We have just recently served our 100th family!” Pretty proudly states, on the cusp of entering his fourth...

Melanie Morin

Can you have your cake and eat it too? Laurentian alumna Melanie Morin believes you can have it all, when it comes to your career that is. She is proud of how far she has come in her career, which stemmed from one key relationship and blossomed with one innovative idea, to become much more. Melanie graduated from Laurentian University in 2001 with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and English...

Mario Grossi and Technica Mining

Sudbury, Ontario has been a global mining hub and leader for years. Technica Mining, a contracting company led by Mario Grossi, President and CEO, provides services including but not limited to engineering design, construction, maintenance, and production, all in an underground capacity. After completing his Commerce degree at Laurentian University, Mario founded Technica Mining in 1999,...

SPAD Alumni Newsletter - Honsing Leung

Honsing Leung - SPAD 1995 Written by Randy Pascal, SPAD 1985 Born in Hong Kong but moving to Canada at the age of six, Toronto Blue Jays’ Senior Manager of Client Services and LU Sports Administration alum Honsing Leung might not seem like a natural fit to a sport that he has loved for the better part of his 44 years. Yet here we are. With a little luck and some positive...

Putting his community ahead of his education: the story of LU student Jacob Pitawanakwat

It took quite a bit of balancing work and life, but LU student Jacob Pitawanakwat recently completed his third year in computer science. “I was bouncing back and forth between work and school when I found an opportunity to supply-teach full time.” When he wasn’t in class, he offered his services as a supply teacher for the Wikwemikong Board of Education (WBE) anywhere from kindergarten to...

Dr. Eugene Ben-Awuah

Dr. Eugene Ben-Awuah is an Associate Professor of Mining Engineering at the Bharti School of Engineering and Computation and a IAMGOLD Research Fellow in Open Pit Mining. As an IAMGOLD Research Fellow, Dr. Ben-Awuah is working on the following projects: 1)    Strategic Mining Options Optimization: A Theoretical Framework for Resource Development Planning Description:...

Jeno Tihanyi Pool - Community Update #7

Dear Laurentian University community, We are writing to share an update on the assessment of the Jeno Tihanyi Pool. Since our last update, the Repair Operations Report has been reviewed by the University executives and governors in order to better understand the state of the facility.  As determined during their meeting of February 16, 2024, the Board of Governors of Laurentian...

Water main break on campus

Update January 30, 2019 - The water main has been repaired near the Fraser Building. Parking lots 1 and A will become partially accessible as work crews and equipment vacate the area. Please use with caution. Gated parking lots across campus will remain open until midnight, after which time all metered parking and gated lots will return to normal operation. Parking lots 1 and A will...

Farewell dear members of the Laurentian University community

Convocation time has always been a season for reflection, and I spent some time thinking during my long flight to China for the ZUFE convocation ceremony.  I find myself reflecting on an amazing 2 years I spent as Interim President and Vice-Chancellor of Laurentian University, and in particular, about people. The last decade at Laurentian University has been marked by tremendous growth....

Chris Vitiello

  If you had spoken with Laurentian Commerce graduate Chris Vitiello in the early years of his degree, he would never have believed that he’d be successfully navigating the food industry in just a few years’ time. Raised in the Valley East area, Chris Vitiello shares what it means to be a local entrepreneur, and the importance of giving back to our communities. Chris always knew...

Luciano Galasso | B. Com

Luciano Galasso, CA CPA, ICD.D is a northern-inspired individual and an alumnus of Laurentian University (B. Com 1979). Originally from Sudbury, Luciano fondly remembers Laurentian University for its beautiful northern Ontario campus, intimate class sizes, group work with classmates, and its dedicated and engaged faculty. He is grateful for these unique educational experiences that...

Isabelle Baril

Isabelle Baril was born in Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec. Her family moved to Sudbury when she was 4 years old. Isabelle completed her high school studies in French, and chose to study at Laurentian University to further her studies in the French language. In university, Isabelle completed her BA in Géographie with a minor in French. She credits her love for travelling and social studies for inspiring...

SPAD Alumni Newsletter - Céline Séguin

Céline Séguin – Core Values at Heart of Sports and Entertainment Success Written by Randy Pascal, SPAD 1985 Born and raised in Elliot Lake, the daughter of hard-working, self-employed parents, Céline Séguin was instilled early with the core values that have shaped her very successful career in both the sports and entertainment industries. Sliding over to her role as Vice President...

David Munch

The state of senior care in our communities has been largely different lately due to the impending restrictions and threats of the COVID-19 pandemic. An unprecedented health threat like this is certainly a large stressor for many people, especially for seniors who have been identified as high-risk. David Munch (B.Com. ’95) and his team at Finlandia Village in Sudbury have certainly needed to...

Visiting Scholars from Russia

Two M.Sc. Biology students, Olga Prokopenko and Daria Barykin, from the Federal University of the Far East in Vladivostok, Russia, recently spent 10 weeks at Laurentian University as visiting scholars. Their stay in Sudbury was facilitated by Dr. Frank F. Mallory, Full Professor in the Department of Biology, and their co-supervisor, Dr. Diana Solovyeva, in Russia. The students first met Dr....

Jeno Tihanyi Pool - Community Update

Dear community members,  Since beginning my role as Interim President and Vice-Chancellor, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting many of you who have brought up the importance of the Jeno Tihanyi Pool. This was echoed by members of Laurentian’s Board of Governors and the broader Sudbury community. There is a strong desire to re-open the pool.  With the University finally exiting the...

Jeno Tihanyi Pool - Community Update #6

Dear Laurentian University community, We are writing to share an update on the assessment of the Jeno Tihanyi Pool. Our Facilities Department has continued working diligently with our consultant, JL Richards, as well as specialist firms to further understand the investment required to reopen the pool. As detailed in our last update, we requested the consultant provide a Repair Operations...

Jeno Tihanyi Pool - Community Update #8

Dear Laurentian University community, We are writing to share an update on the assessment of the Jeno Tihanyi Pool. As stated in our last announcement, the Board of Governors of Laurentian University passed a motion to initiate discussions with the City of Greater Sudbury for the creation of a joint planning committee on facility renewal.  This is a key step in creating the framework...

David Paquette

Technology may change but one thing remains the same: the dynamics between individuals in the workplace and their importance in helping organizations move forward. David Paquette is a Laurentian University alumnus who works as a management consultant, executive coach and leadership trainer. He has dedicated the past 26 years of his career to helping organizations and leaders implement change...

Research Data Management

Laurentian University is committed to fostering an environment of research and innovation excellence, which promotes and facilitates Research Data Management (RDM). Through the development of infrastructure, policies, guidelines, services, technologies, tools, and training; we aim to support our researchers in producing high quality research, backed by data meeting discipline and funder...

One Hundred Days and Beyond

My First 100 Days October 8th marked my 100th day at Laurentian. I spent the day at a Universities Canada National Building and Reconciliation Forum hosted by Algoma University. There was a remarkable energy and enthusiasm in the room and a real sense that universities in Canada can provide leadership in building reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples.  100 days may seem...

BScN Program for Registered Nurses via Distance Education

*Admissions to the English Post RN program have been suspended   Distance Education In January 1987, the BScN program for registered nurses became available on a part-time basis through Distance Education at five sites. As the demand increased, the number of sites expanded from Barrie, Orillia, North Bay, Timmins and Sault Ste. Marie to include students in Oshawa, Owen Sound, St....

The Importance of University Athletics

I am privileged to be in a situation where I have experienced both sides of university athletics, as a player and as a spectator. Here is my story of how athletics shaped my life and how they can benefit all students.   I am currently in my third year at Laurentian and I have been a player on the varsity men’s soccer team for that entire period. Playing sports in a post-secondary...


ROMEO is an online database for the digital management and reporting of internal and external research funding and ethics certifications.   In ROMEO, you will find the: Research Proposal Approval Form Ethical Review Form for Research Involving Human Subjects Animal Use Protocol Form Wildlife Animal Use Protocol Form  Application to Use Animals for Research:...

History of the Sports Administration Program

The School of Sports Administration offers a limited enrollment, four-year interdisciplinary professional program that combines extensive exposure to the functional areas of business management with the practical and theoretical exposure to the sports industry. The Honours Bachelor of Commerce Sports Administration program (HBCom SPAD) will prepare individuals for positions of responsibility...

School of Business Administration

Learn everything you need to be successful in business. The career of your dreams awaits! Prepare for a career in management in a large company or, better yet, like 20% of our graduates, in your very own business as an entrepreneur, wherever you come from and wherever you’d like to go. Vision The Marketing and Management Department is recognized for educating socially responsible...

Cooperative Freshwater Ecology Unit

The Cooperative Freshwater Ecology Unit (Co-op Unit), housed within the Vale Living With Lakes Centre, was established in 1989 and is a unique and successful partnership between Laurentian University, the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR), and the Ontario Ministry of the Environment (MOE) with collaborators from the mining industry (Vale and Xstrata Nickel), Canadian Forest...

Gary J. Michalak

Many people take time to figure out what they would like to do with their careers; others, like Gary Michalak, know exactly what they are meant to do from an early age. As a young athlete, Gary realized he wanted to use the leadership skills he developed playing multiple sports to help those around him achieve their goals. A lifelong learner, Gary has continued to fuel his passion by helping to...

Teaching and Learning Days - Program

th { background-color: #003e7e; color: white; } td.tech { background-color: #bde9ba; } td.curator { background-color: #f9cb9c; } td.educator { background-color: #d5a6bd; } td.experimenter { background-color: #d9d2e9; } td.collaborator { background-color: #a2c4c9; } td.scholar { background-color: #fff2cc; } .table-responsive { padding } Thursday April 25, 2019 Classroom...

Happy New Year and Return to Classes

The start of an academic term is always an exciting time, but this year we begin our term at the start of a new decade. Hopefully you are returning from your holidays rested, refocused, and with a renewed sense of optimism. There is much work to do in 2020 and just imagine the potential for Laurentian by 2030.   Being as this is my first blog since November, I wanted to share some...

SPAD Alumni Newsletter - Dale Hooper

DALE HOOPER: REVIVING THE CAMARADERIE AND CONNECTION OF SPAD “Shouldn’t we have the same connection and camaraderie and support network within SPAD alumni that we had when we were going though the program at Laurentian?” Written by Randy Pascal, SPAD 1985 Incoming head of the SPAD Advisory Board Dale Hooper has a clear-cut vision of the ultimate end goal of his involvement with the...

SPAD Alumni Newsletter - David Toswell

THE TOSWELL TSN TURNING POINT – LEGALLY SPEAKING Written by Randy Pascal, SPAD 1985   The pathway for David Toswell (SPAD 1985) appeared to be fairly well laid out.  And then, it wasn’t. A native of North Bay and lover of all things sports in his youth, the academically inclined young man had pretty much always seen the Sports Administration program at Laurentian...

Karen J. Pheasant-Neganigwane

                                      Maamwi. Together. Ensemble. This is how we understand the past and learn to move forward hand-in-hand as a community. Listening, understanding and initiating change are all crucial to how we move...

Honouring Treaties Recognition Week in Ontario

Aanii, Hello, Bonjour, At Laurentian University, when we begin a gathering or public meeting, we open with an acknowledgement of the land. Many of you have likely heard me make this acknowledgement before, and this week is an opportune time to better understand why this is so important to us. November 2nd to 6th is Treaties Recognition Week in Ontario, an occasion to learn and reflect on...

Recommended Technology for Online Learning

Laurentian University's Information Technology department has put together a short list of recommended computing (hardware and software) resources to ensure the best possible experience when studying online. Technology Checklist ☑Bandwidth and Internet requirements (1.2Mbps or more up and downstream) ☑Computing requirements (minimum 10th generation i5 or i7, 8Gb+ RAM, 256 SSD...

Recommended Technology for Online Learning

  The Information Technology department has put together a short list of recommended computing (hardware and software) resources to provide the best possible experience while learning online.   Technology Checklist    ☑  Bandwidth and Internet requirements (1.2Mbps or more up and downstream) ☑  Computing requirements (minimum 10th generation i5 or i7,...

Federal Research Support Fund 2020-2021

Every year, the Government of Canada invests in research excellence in the areas of health sciences, engineering, natural sciences, social sciences and humanities through its three granting agencies (CIHR, NSERC and SSHRC). Eligible institutions receive an annual grant to help pay for a portion of the central and departmental administrative costs related to federally funded research. This...

Purchasing Policy

Laurentian University is committed to maintaining high standards for performance based on fair, ethical, legal, environmental, and professional business practices. The University, its employees and agents shall procure goods and services in an open, fair and transparent manner and in a competitive environment, so that all transactions yield the optimal benefit to the University in the...

Research Support Fund

Every year, the Government of Canada invests in research excellence in the areas of health sciences, engineering, natural sciences, social sciences and humanities through its three granting agencies: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council. The Research Support Fund (RSF) reinforces this...

Dr. Susan Manitowabi: A legacy of shared responsibility

To say Dr. Susan Manitowabi gets a lot done is an understatement. Since she came to Laurentian University in the summer of 2003, she has been a long-standing leader in the Indigenous education community at Laurentian. Susan chaired the (former) Native Human Services Program, was involved in the creation of the Master of Indigenous Relations (MIR) program, co-founded the Maamwizing Indigenous...


Two MSc Opportunities in Industrial Biotechnology at Laurentian University Two MSc positions are available immediately in the lab of Dr. Vasu Appanna (Professor of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Architecture at Laurentian University) and Dr. Sujeenthar Tharmalingam (Assistant Professor, Northern Ontario School of Medicine University). We are seeking two highly...

Motion to Condemn

WHEREAS the Auditor General of Ontario released her Special Report on Laurentian University on 17 November 2022; and WHEREAS this report includes many shocking and scandalous revelations about our senior administration’s reckless and ultimately disastrous mismanagement of Laurentian University between 2010 and 2021; and WHEREAS this report concludes that, while our senior administrators...

Intellectual Property & Commercialization

We support the development of relationships between industry and Laurentian, evaluate, protect and commercialize intellectual property developed at the university and disclosed to the Office of Research Services, and provide the coordination of provincially-led entrepreneurship activities. Specific tasks related to intellectual property management include: advising faculty and students...

Expenses Directive

Laurentian University is committed to maintaining high performance standards based on fair, ethical, legal, environmental and professional business practices. As such, Laurentian University abides by all government directives. On April 1, 2011, the Management Board of Cabinet issued the Ontario Broader Public Sector (BPS) Expense Directive. This Directive requires designated BPS...

School of Sports Administration

About the School of Sports Administration (SPAD) Our mission is to develop future business leaders, for the sport industry through an interdisciplinary approach to problem-solving, industry integration, experiential learning, and innovative scholarship. The School of Sports Administration (SPAD) is the first undergraduate business school in sports management in Canada. While H.B.Com....


Laurentian offers a variety of undergraduate, graduate-level, and doctorate degrees. The university programs specialize in many fields, including arts, social sciences, technology, natural sciences, engineering, mining, geophysics, health, business management, finance, and forensics. Laurentian has developed an international reputation for research excellence and is one of the Province’s...